List of Tamil words in Acholi language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Acholi language
Dr.Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai ;MD;DPM;
Acholi ( Leb Lwo) is a Southern Luo dialect spoken by the Acholi people in the districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader (a region known as Acholiland) in northern Uganda. It is also spoken in South Sudan in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria.
Acholi, Alur, and Jo Padola have between 84 and 90 per cent of their vocabulary in common and are mutually intelligible. However, they are often counted as separate languages because their speakers are ethnically distinct. Labwor (Thur), once considered a dialect of Acholi, may not be intelligible with it.

Clues to read Acholi words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Letter ‘m’ and ‘n’ can be added or deleted.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted/ added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once it has to be read only once.
If we jumble the letters of the given Acholi word -a Tamil word can be arrived.
Ref- Acholi English- English Acholi Dictionary by Mairi John Blackings.
English- Acholi- Tamil
*1. daddy- abaa – appa much/ how many -adi –eththanai
3.old woman- ajuc- aachchi
4.girl- anyaka- kanikai ; letters are jumbled.
*5. flat- apata- thattai; pattai .
*6. number two- aryo- eru
7.arrow- atero- aththiram; root word is yeithiduthar /to shoot/ discharge.
8.knead flour mixed with yeast or beer - bak- pisaika
*9. spoil- bal – paazh
*10. ruining- ballo- paazh
* spilt/ divide- bar- piri
*12. separated- barree-piriya
13.cave- boro- arai/ room
*14. sleeping/ lying down – buto/but – padu
*15. shirt- cati- sattai
* roast- cedo – sudu
* collect/ gather- cok- saekka
*18. penis- cun – sunni ; root word for sinnam/ symbol .
*19. happening immediately- cut- satt nnu
*20. create/ make- cwe- seiyya
21.sweet- cwit- suvai udaiya /tasty; sweet[E] - suvai uadaiya; suvai- taste; udaiya- has.
22.quarrel- daa- adi thadi
23.grandmother- daa-aaththaa ;full form – aaththaal .
24.lady /woman- daa- thaai/ mother stitch- dab- thei
* deel – thole
27.fresh- det- puthiyathu
28.stuffing- dil- thiniththal
*29. skill- diro- thiran
30.fold up- dol- madiththal
* become- dok- aayiduka
32.buttocks- dud- sooththu ; puttam .
* drive- dwo- voattu
*34. middle- dye- idai
* raise up- el- ezhu
* build- ged- kattu
*37. building- gedo- kattidam
*38. angry-ger- karuppu; karuvu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*39. excavate- gool -akalu
*40. hollowing- gollee-kuzhiyaa / hollow
41.mountain- got- kumidu
42.path- gudo- kadavu ;ka= va; va= ka.
*43. bowing- gungo-kunika
*44. sprouting- gullo- kilai ; kilaikka .
*45. make a hole- gul- kuzhi aakku; kuzhi- hole; aakku- make.
46.volcanic stones- gur- eri kar
*47. poles- guti- kattai collect and make to appear swollen/ abscess -gut- katti aaka ; katti- lump; aaka- to become.
*49. plucking- gwed –koeithida
* beckon/ by hand movements - gwel- kaiyaal azhai ; kai- hand; azhai- to call/ invite .
51.making anger- gworo- karuva /angry; letters are jumbled.
*52. protecting- gwoko – kaakka gwok- kukkan ; naaikkan ; root word is naakku- tongue.
*54. marking books- gweto- koadu idu; koadu- line; idu- make.
* take care of/ protect- gwok- kavanikka
* mate /animals- ito- yaeththu
57.collect/ gather- juk- saekka
*58. beating- juto - saaththu
*59. pour water- jur- soriya
*60. weave- kad- kattukai
*61. millet- kal- koolam / grain
*62. pass- kat- kada ; kadakka .
63.bitter- kec- kasappu
* save- ket- kaaththidu
*65. destroy- kette- kedu ; keduththidu .
66.watching/ guarding- kinno- kann kaani; kann- eye; letters are read more than once .
*67. break- kid- koattu
*68. young ones- kiteya- kutti
*69. seed- kodi –kottai; vithai; ka= va; va= ka.
*70. tether- kod- kattu
71.body- kom- kayam ; yaakkai .
* tie together-kodo- kattu
*73. blowing of the wind- kodo- kaaththu adikka; letters are jumbled; kaaththu-wind;adikka- to blow.
74.large bird with black body- koga- kaakaa / crow
*75. kind/ type- kodi- koottam
*76. corner- kona- koanam
77.footprint- kor- kaar thadam; kaar- leg; thadam- track.
*78. stealing- kwalo –kalavu; letters are jumbled.
*79. counting- kwano – kani ;ennuka; letters are in reversed order.
*80. poison-kwir –kari
*81. shield- kwot- kaedayam
*82. swelling- kwoto -katti
83.saliva- laa- echchil
84.slandering- kwoto- kootu moottu
* wander/ roam- lak- alaika
*86. pestle- lalek- ulakkai
*87. speaking nonstop- lede- loda loda
* rule- loo- aalu
89.speech- lok- mozhika ; solluka.
90.washing- lwoko- kazhuvu; letters are jumbled.
* mother- maa- em amma ; amma- mother.
* mother- minna- em annai ;em- mine; annai- mother.
*93. your mother- meni- um annai ; umm- your; annai- mother.
*94. up- malo –maelae
*95. wealth- mali- mallal
*96. love- mit- muththam
*97. slow/ gentle - mot- methuvaa
*98. quiet- mot- amaithi lick- nang- nakku ; nakku- tongue.
* tie- nid- inaiththidu
101.marriage- nyom- manam ; root word is inaiyanum /to unite.
102.foot print- obot- paatha thadam ; paatham- foot ;thadam- track. .
*103.a stick- odo- thadi
*104.young bull- ogele- kaalai
*105.animal skin- odyer/ odwel – thoar / thole
*106.female dance- ogodo- kooththaadu /to dance
*107.clitoris- ogwit –koothi/ vagina
108.placenta- okito- nanju kodi ot- idam quack- otira – munn athira; munn- soil/ land; athira- to shake. made out of grass- otok- udukkai/ garment; root word is udukka- to wear.
*112.war dance- otole –aaduthal/ dancing ; aduthal- to fight /to wage a war .
*113.swelling of the body- otole- thadiththu ulla
*114.bringing up the child- pito- paaththida
*115.divide up- pok/ pokko- - paku; pakukka
*116.many / numerous- pol- pala
*117.of a girl grown up/ mature- pong –pennaaka /to become a female/ pen- woman; aaka- to become. beat- pwod- adi poadu ; letters are jumbled.
* dig- pur- pari
*120.cultivate- pur- payir sei ; payir- crops; sei- do/ make.
*121.pig- puno- panni
* jump- pye- paaya
*123.winnowing- pyeto/ pyet – pudai
*124.defecating- pyelo- pee paela throw- rad/reto – erinthidu
*126. to cut sharply- roto- aruththidu/ to cut
*127.burn to clear the ground – royo- eri /to burn
*128.twins- rut- erattai
*129. cut open- ryek- arukka/ cut; pirikka- open. scoop- tak-thoanduka
131. exorcise- tak- paei oaattuka
*132.defeating- tad- thaoththida
133.hip- tac- idai
*134.under/ beneath- te- adi
*135.give- tek- iduka
136. pulling- telo- izhuththal; letters are jumbled.
*137.take- ter- eduththar
* pour water- tii/ tiyo – uooththu/ pour
139. to lift- ting – thookku
* snap off- tur -odiththar
* break- tur – udaithar drive away – twar- voattuthar mature- tur-muththuthar ; mature[ E]- muththuthar .
144.finish- tyek- mudikka
*145.knocking- twor- thttuthar
*146.pushing- tworo- idiththar
*147.crack- tyer- udaithar
* offer- tyer-thara ;padaiththar .
149.urge to do something- ute- thoondu
150.remove the top layer- waro/war—uri /peel
*151.cost/ price- wel- vilai
*152.extraction- woto- vadi
* pluck- yuu- aaya
* pull- yul –izhu
*155.jerking- yuto –thudiththida
*156.abuse- yeet-thittu
*157.absconding- kwallee- kaana villai
158.bangle- abwool-valaiyal
159.bald- taal- mudi illaa thalai; letters are read more than once; mudi- hair; illai- without; thalai- head.
160.beautiful- leeng- azhakaana; letters are jumbled.
*161.border- koor- karai
*162.bottom- terree- adiyir
*163.crop- kodi- koeithidu /to crop
*164.cup- kubaya- koappai
165.death- too- madiya ; seiththida ; poaeida /gone
166.derision-ngala- ikazha
*167.herd- kwatt- koottam kanny –inkkae; letters are in reversed order.
169.hill-goot- kumidu ; kuvadu; ka= va; va= ka.
*170.hole- burr- poarai pee- pani /snow
* manga- maankkai ; maa- big; kaai- vegetable.
* tuuk- aaduka/ to play
*174.ploughing- puro –yaeru
*175.pot- agulu-kalan
*176.pound- ood-idi
*177.put- keet- kidaththu
178.reach- tuun- adaiyanum
* ywee- oaaiwu
180.say- waac- vaai asai ; vaai- mouth ;asai- move
*181.sharpen- pyetto-pattai theettu ;pattai- blade ;theettu -to sharpen .
182.sheep- romoo –arinam ; mari ;letters are in reversed order.
*183.slowly- mot mot- methu methu vaa
* kulloo-kumizh
*185.tailor-tereji- theiyar
*186.thief- lakwoo- kalvan ; letters are jumbled.
187.walk- woot- adi edu; adi- foot; edu- take; oaadu /run.
188.wall- koor ot- kar kattu ; letters are jumbled.
189.way- yoo- iyavu
*190.whip- jwatt- saattai
*191.whipping- jwatto –saattai adi; adi- to beat.
192.wisdom- ryukkoo- arivai ; ka= va; va= ka ; arivu koormai ; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va= ka; arivu- intelligence ; koormai- sharp
193.wipe- dunny –thudaiththidanum pinny –pann/ land
* iin -nee
*196.your-ni – un